If possession is 9/10 of the law, is perception 9/10 of reality? Take the recent study by NOD that gauged “Carrier Perception Scores". It turns out that 30% of the 2,500 wireless customers put Verizon ahead of AT&T (10%) and Sprint (2%) and T-Mobile (2%) for network coverage.
Right or wrong, this is a telling testament to the power of advertising. For Verizon the billions spent on its ubiquitous “Can you hear me now” mantra have obviously paid off, as it now tries to convince people it runs “America’s largest and most reliable 4 LET network.”
As the stakes get higher, the gloves are off when it comes to winning consumers. According to the Fierce-wireless article, AT&T and T-Mobile are both laying claim to covering upwards of 95% of all Americans. And we know that T-Mobile has made very bold moves with its “Carrier” strategy, with the latest being its “7 night stand” where potential customers can test drive its network.
So who’s really ahead of the coverage game? If you subtract the hype, the reality boils down to your real life experience – not what some other subscriber tells you.
Third party tests, advertising are all well and good. But the fact is, numbers aren't always accurate, and coverage depends on a lot of specific factors that may or may not affect your experience – from geographical limitations to your indoor signal .
So don’t just take the numbers at face value. Look to the carriers with the best integrated to address any coverage contingencies.
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